I’m sure many of you have been wondering what the heck is going on with Kerry? No post in almost a month? Is he dead? In jail? Or just plain lazy? Well, here’s the answer to those questions. Not dead, my superior piloting and skydiving skills have saved me from many close calls over the last few weeks. Not in jail, my lawyer says there is a good chance of getting off free. Not lazy, OK maybe just a little, but yesterday was the first day in over a month that I didn’t fly or jump out of a plane and I have to tell you, I’m beat. We haven’t had any rain here in Wisconsin for weeks, my poor runway, and that means no days off for Kerry, so just keep jumping and flying until we tell you to stop. The sun is setting earlier every day now and I’m sometimes getting home before 10:00 pm so I’m hoping to have more time to post in the near future but in the mean time I’ll try and entertain you with whatever I can crank out whenever I can.