Ferry Flight Pic Of The Day


Fall 2011, base to final for the very short runway at St. Barts.  Under the camera mounted on the glare shield you can just barley make out the island that is used as a point on the approach where you drop landing gear, flaps and cut power.  If you’re late in doing any of these things you’ll be high and will have a devil of a time getting back in the groove in time to salvage the approach.  If you push the bad situation you will either be fast or high causing you to go around or go swimming.  Bonus points for anyone who can actually see the runway in the picture above, trust me it’s there but the first time you see it from this point you can’t believe how small it really is.

One Reply to “Ferry Flight Pic Of The Day”

  1. Got it, and lets not forget the geographical down slope leading to the “land” end of the runway (postage stamp).

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