The ferry pilot biz can be frustrating sometimes, like this afternoon when Super Girl and I arrived in Campo Grande Brazil hoping to make a quick gas and go but were instead informed by the hard working boys in blue, Air Force weather guessers, that the entire area we were intending to fly into was full of big red blobs, AKA thunderstorms. After much hair pulling and teeth gnashing I chose the old discretion vs. valor thing and did my best brave brave Sir Robin imitation and courageously ran to a hotel for the night. The fact that I had SG with me in no way influenced my decision, however intelligent it may have been. The first half of the day, not counting the three hours spent battling the customs dragons and the landing fee ogre, was not too bad. After takeoff, minus the twenty minute engine start delay due to some damn thing or another, we were granted permission to over fly Iguazu falls, “Just let us know when your done.” said our blessed controller. The next fifteen minutes of pilot bliss is what puts today in the win column.